Should You Be Doing Affiliate Marketing?

4 min readAug 25, 2020

What is affiliate marketing and why you should be making it as one of your sources of income…

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

How did I get started on this affiliate journey?

Imagine yourself having no job and having enough savings to last you through for a few months. Finding a job is competitive, which brings you to google. You type in….

“How to make money online during quarantine?”

Sounds familiar? I guess most of us are in the same boat, especially if you are reading this. Most of us lost our jobs, means to make money due to COVID-19, but that is not gonna stop us at least for me.

Soon after COVID happens, I met a friend who also lost his job and decided why not we collaborate. Hence we started a home-based bakery business. My friend is a chef and knows how to bake, me knowing how to do marketing, and some creative designing for social media.

When I was searching for ways to make money online, this was one of the ways that I found by having an online store to market to people. We combine our skills to form this business back in April. We had a good start. We made total sales of 12k within 2 months.

Photo of our Stripe Account

As months go by, I realized that doing this alone does not give us consistent income. There are good months and bad months. So I decided to go to google again and find more solutions. That’s where I came across affiliate marketing. I began to do more research and check out on youtube about it.

Then I tell myself, why not; I give it a try. So let me share with you what exactly affiliate marketing is?

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

What is affiliate marketing?

“Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others, and earn a profit for each sale that you make.”

— Neil Patel (Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers)

One of the reasons I chose to do affiliate marketing is that you don’t need to worry about any upfront cost to get you started, especially when you are in a tight position where you might not be able to spend any money.

How much can you earn from affiliate marketing?

Most companies pay their affiliate through commission-based sales. You can get up to 10–70% commission from one product that you managed to get sales from.

Some pay you 100% commission.

Others pay you a one time off amount for each lead or sale.

The most satisfying one would be the recurring based commission. Which means you get income on a monthly basis for that one sale. Would you love to have that? I would certainly want that.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Where can I find companies to do affiliate marketing for them?

  1. Clickbank
  2. JVZoo
  3. Amazon Associate Programme
  4. eBay Partner Network
  5. Clickfunnels

These are the few options where you can start your affiliate journey with.

If all of this sounds interesting to you and you want to know more about each of these platforms' pros and cons, stay tuned to our next few posts and join us in our affiliate marketing journey.

Earnings from Clickfunnels

This is one of the results I achieve recently from doing affiliate for clickfunnels. Imagine if you can make such results, would you want to do more? Likely you would say yes too!

If you are a beginner like us, why not join us, read more about what we have done and what we will be doing. Save you the hassle of trying to guess if it works! Now is the time for you, let’s hustle hard!

Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash




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